No offense to Joann, the helpful lady at the eye doctor's office, but she sure had trouble with just about everything she did. First, she put my last name first and first name last, which was going to make it hard to find me next time. So, I asked her before she pressed enter if she wanted to change it. She did, but she got distracted so my last name ended up looking like a combo of first and last, which would also make it hard to find me next time. While she was distracted I reached over and pressed backspace until the field was clear. She finally got it. Just seemed like she was in a giant hurry. Sometimes that doesn't work so well with computers. And ironically, my appointment ended up taking longer than expected, so I had to surreptitiously text my sister to see if she could hoover Eli over to the orthodontist appt I wasn't going to be able to make.
Even less exciting was the fact that I think I decided to wait until the first of the year to get my sexy new glasses because we have a vision benefit that will be available then. Oh, but wait! What if The Big Company Greg Works For CHANGES the vision benefit? That would be a drag. OK. Glasses will be ordered really soon. Can't wait until the new year. You'll love 'em.
And least exciting of all, I am the proud new owner of a prescription for eye drops for dry eyes.
Aren't you glad you know?
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