Hello faithful legions of readers!
It has been five entire fun-filled days since I have last written. Although the yearbook is tapping its toe, and threatening to send me to the principal's office if I do not complete it, I have decided it is now time to bravely update the world on my doings from the week!
Many great highlights from the week. Kepler and I went to his new physical therapist and I really like her, and I think Kepler does, too. He thinks physical therapy is super-duper fun, and since we only go once a month, it's always new to him. The facility is updating their computer system (again) to the biggest, best, and newest program so we had a slight delay, but since none of our information has changed, we got through pretty quickly.
Tuesday, I went to my first personal training session with my very own trainer, Javier. I had had two free half-hour sessions with him a couple weeks ago and decided I just didn't like his style. But I've had enough trainers to know that they all have their strengths and weaknesses and own styles, and I decided to give the training relationship a chance. The main thing about personal training is that I LOVE it. And I already feel more fit and healthy and balanced.
Tuesday night I went to my special Food Group where I meet with other women who have eating disorders or food issues. What a sweet time that was. When I arrived at group, I was feeling very tired but when I left I was feeling beautiful and energized!
Wednesday I went to my regular therapy group, the first meeting I have attended since Mark left. You can read more about that change here..
I wondered what the group dynamics would be like, but overall I thought it was a great improvement, even though we will miss his input and presence.
Thursday, I became a temporary pet owner. We are pet-sitting Mason, a sweet, sweet dog belonging to friends of ours. Valerie was hired to take care of him but she was at camp this week, so the rest of us walked him (and stuff). I think everyone who knows me know that I would most certainly NOT call myself a dog person. I have had one dog in my life, and even though "Bernadine" was our family dog, I doubt that I ever even petted her, let alone walked her, or cared about her. (Fortunately for Bernadine, my two sisters loved her dearly, so she got lots of love and attention.) Anyway, surprisingly, I have really enjoyed having Mason here. He will be here for 2 1/2 weeks.
Friday, I had my other personal training session of the week. It was really probably a little more intense than I like, but it's always a process to figure out how to work with the trainer. Maybe I have hindsight disease, but I don't remember my first trainer ever having any trouble figuring out good weights, reps, exercises for me. Javier isn't having any trouble figuring anything out, but I want to make sure the exercise time is the most value it can be, and if I work out too hard that is no better than working out too easy.
I will post this and write another post on the major learning I did this week.
FINALLY!!!!! Um, could you please not wait five days to update your blog next time? Some of us were bereft without the update on your fascinating life. Thanks for understanding. xo, mjm
THANK YOU! I have been like a fish without water, a bird without telephone lines, a vegetable without vitamins and fiber, bad skin without a dermatologist....
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