Sunday, April 21, 2013

AtoZ Blog Challenge: This Week in Review: M, N, O, P, Q, R

I started this week by celebrating passing by the popcorn counter at the movies:

Managing an Appetite with Aplomb

Tuesday, I looked at the word and gesture, Namaste, which I receive as a gift:

N is for Namaste

Although Wednesday's post was Optimal, the lack of comments mirrored the low energy I had at this point in the week. (I still like the post, though!)

Optimal: The Optimus Prime of Health

Thursday, I was speaking to myself about persevering with a number of things, and the concept resonated with others, especially writers who find it important to persevere with their writing projects.

P is for Perseverance

Friday, I tackled one of my favorite subjects, Questions. I neglected to give credit for that quote -- it's from Rainer Maria Rilke.

Q is for Questions

And, finally, Saturday I addressed the topic of Religion and what's happening in my life in that area.

R is for Religion

Thanks for joining me for any or all of them and I invite you to check out any you missed. Stay tuned for more AtoZ posts this coming week!



Ida Thought said...

I think a lot of people felt the same way around O day... I can't even remember what I wrote about... Okay that's it - off to check your o now

Anonymous said...

We all have days like that! Sorry to miss your 'O' too! I'm so happy to be properly following you now. I do seem to experience problems leaving comments on Blogger so I won't write too much - If this gets through the Indonesian firewall then I'll leave a longer comment net time! Keep well. Lottie x