Thursday, April 2, 2015

Being All Wrong, Mostly Mistaken, and Somewhat Short-sighted

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i am from a place 
where i
had answers 
for all beings
i thought 
had to know
to know all
to be all seeing

a fearful place
my knowing brain
craving order
some way 
to explain
from the pain

it served me well
to  thirty two

but i still thought 
i thought i knew
i thought i knew
just what to do

along the way
my knowing fell
certainty dropped
i could not spell

the answers were gone
the questions were rife
and i got down 
to the basics 
of life

the light bulb came
it's just as well
to know i'm ringing
the for sure wrong bell

and now i love
the being wrong
the big mistakes
the off-key song

i love the oops
and losing the path
and i understand
it's ok to laugh

i forget, i fall, 
i break, i smell
i misspeak, misstep,
mishap, misspell

i smile yes
to my imperfeck
and gladly check
and check my check
and even overlook the speck

perfection boo
imperfection swell
being wrong's ok
mistakes aren't hell

i forget, i fall,
i break, i smell
i misspeak, misstep,
mishap, misspell

and now i love
the being wrong
the big mistakes
the off-key song

i love the oops
and losing the path
and i understand
it's ok to laugh

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Bushman said...

Very touching.
I will come back and read that again someday when I need it.

2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

Ida Thought said...

Brilliant Susan, I love you attribute knowing everything to being insecure. I have a friend that says she loves being the dumbest in the room because it means she gets to learn the most :)
Happy #atozchallenge
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